The comprehensive search engine for sales contacts in the sports, shoes and fashion business

Now you can find your sales potential free of charge

In just a few seconds you can analyze your industry-specific sales potential of over 35,000 business contacts for the sectors of brands, distributors, sales agencies and area sales managers. You can pre-select the desired sector and sales territory and choose from one of the 50 product segments.

Then simply send your personal search query to our matchmaking specialists for sales support and new business of Supreme Contacts GmbH.

I am looking for:

Sales potential

With just a few clicks you can analyze the industry-specific sales potential for the sectors of brands, distributors, sales agencies and area sales managers.

Make your own initial selection now!


Find your suitable business partner among brands from the sports, shoes and fashion industries. The worldwide network includes personal contacts in over 50 different product segments.

“Optimize your sales force“


Find your suitable business partner among established sales organizations from the sports, shoes and fashion industries. The pan-European sales network includes personal contacts in over 50 different product segments.

“Optimize your sales force“

Sales Agencies

Find your suitable business partner among established sales agencies from the sports, shoes and fashion industries. The pan-European sales network includes personal contacts in over 50 different product segments.

“Optimize your sales force“

Area Sales Managers

Find your suitable business partner among established area sales managers from the sports, shoes and fashion industries. The central-European sales network includes personal contacts with regional representatives and sales management in over 50 different product segments.

“Optimize your sales force“